I was extremely disappointed that we were blown off the water yesterday because of high winds and thunderstorms. I was supposed to fish the wounded warriors brought to Key West by Task Force Dagger (https://www.taskforcedagger.org). This organization does a tremendous amount of work with our Veterans coming home with injuries.

We did get in the annual Don Moore Memorial Grunt Tournament (despite high winds) to benefit the MARC House here in Key West. The MARC House provides services for developmentally handicapped adults and is another fine organization doing great things here in Key West.

Pictured below is my crew for the day: Kris, Rosie, Tony and Rosie. The next picture gives an idea of some of the challenges we face with our anglers that are not too mobile. The awards lunch is a big event for MARC House clients. And lastly is Tony and me with his award for “Most Unusual Species” which was a 3lb catfish.



